Friday, November 5, 2010

A long Time Coming

I suck and I have no excuses. Here are some of my fave things:

1. IKEA. We are going tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited. I just love so many things about that store including: 50 cent hot dogs, organization solutions galore, Swedish meatballs, ideas for adding pizazz to my home, the crazy carts and dishes. I love dishes.

2. This recipe. So freaking good. Seriously.

3. Zak wanted me to add the pic from this article, but I thought I would just put a link to it instead. Just a warning, there is some mild, partial Wookie nudity and the image may be disturbing. I think it's pretty funny though.

4. Speaking of Star Wars, I loved how Zoey's costume turned out. I bought her a teddy bear costume and made the hood to turn it into an Ewok. She wore that thing like a champ.

5. The Office and 30 Rock this season. Some episodes have been funnier than others, but for the most part, I haven't been disappointed.

6. Laffy Taffy. Not only does it taste delish, but it also has stupid jokes on the packages. I love stupid jokes. I mean really... perfect in every way. Except the part where I feel like I'm going to rip my dental work out and feel like I am getting more cavities with every piece of the stuff. P.S. I don't like the yellow ones. They are disgusting.

7. Easy money. I know, there usually isn't such a thing, but every once in a while I qualify for a focus group at this market research firm. Basically, you are put in a room with 6-10 people and there is a facilitator that asks questions about products and your feelings about them in general and specifically. You tell them your honest opinion and after about an hour and a half of discussion, you leave and they hand you an envelope with money in it. You can't really earn a living off of it because this place only lets you do a group once every 6 months, but once in a while, it's a nice boost. Hence the going to IKEA tomorrow. I'm organizing my craft room this weekend!

Aaaaaannnndddddd.... That's all my brain can handle at the moment. I'll be back next week with some projects I've been working on and maybe some pics of my new craft room! Yayeeee!

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